Being frugal is fantastic but not at the expense of looking your best. When you find a great product you like to stick with it. Even if you do spend a few pennies more on your favorite beauty product there are ways to still stretch your beauty bucks.
One way to save money on beauty products is to buy something that isn't name brand or user specific. This means you should avoid the costly "makeup remover" labels. These products are very expensive and there are lower cost ways to effecively remove makeup.
You can use a little olive oil, castor oil, canola oil or aloe to remove traces of makeup. These products are much more cost-effective than the name brand items. You can just use a cotton ball to apply to facial area and then wash away with your usual, mild cleanser.
Witch Hazel is a great astringent that costs very little compared to the expensive astringents that you'll find in the makeup section. It will remove all traces of oil from your skin for about $2.00 instead of the $20.00 or more price tag.
Another money saving technique is to let your favorite products do double duty. You can use facial bronzer to blush with or as an eye shadow too. Just apply the bronzer with an appropriate sized brush wherever you use it.
Purchasing a store brand, Cetaphil Lotion can also cost pennies compared to the fancy, label moisturizers and works great for all over body silkening.
Powder or mineral makeups can cost a lot, but, they will last a lot longer than cream or liquid foundation makeups. If you do prefer the liquid or creamier type of makeup you can stretch it by mixing in a little bit of facial suntan lotion or moisturizing lotion.
If you have found that perfect shade of lipstick you know how disappointing it is to run or or when it gets really worn down. Just scoop out that last little bit with a lipstick brush or put it in a lip balm jar that is empty. Add a touch of Vaseline to make it go just a little farther.
These are just some of the tips that are simple money savers. If you have some that you think may be of interest to everyone share them here so everyone can take advantage of beauty deals and bargains.
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